Sunday, March 27, 2016

Course(s) update(s).


As per usual, I've let things get between me and my writing. This is not historically uncommon, because the act of writing makes me want to stop writing and go do other things.

However, all excuses are not created equal, and this time I've got something better than my traditional laziness. I've been slammed with my teaching schedule. I knew going into this semester that I'd have three classes to teach. Three classes plus my day job is more than enough to allow my ego to justify not working on my blog. Adding to that, an adjunct had to give up a class at the last minute. My boss ask me to take it, and I accepted (because, I'm an idiot). It's a practical reasoning course.  I've never taught this class before.  So, it's great experience. That not withstanding, I'm teaching four classes, and working my day job.

Sadly, my Eastern Thought class has been put on the back-burner. The assistant dean thought that given the current budget fights, we should wait for a better time to ask.  I see his point. 

The same budget fears also have the drama department not rushing to work on my philosophy play production idea. I'll just stay on their good side by giving my students extra-credit to go to their productions. Hopefully, I can get them back on-board this summer.

That's it for now.  I know that it's not much, but I forced myself to write it, because...

I'll tell you tomorrow.



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