Friday, February 24, 2017

Joining up.

I joined the Democrats.

Such a simple statement might seem pointless to most people, but it's a rather uncharacteristic one from me. My track-record is something less than a model of participation.

I joined about a month ago, and was voted on to the rolls of the county party last week.

I'll elaborate on the whys, whats, and hows later.

For now...

Notorious nonconformist and general nonbeliever Chris Outlaw has joined a political party.

Even typing it feels weird.

OLLI update.

I few weeks ago, I finally submitted my proposal to the Osher folks. Stunningly, I'm only one year behind schedule!

I'm happy to say that they have accepted the proposal, and are attempting to schedule me for a lecture date in July.

This, of course, is most welcome and exciting news. While I love teaching at NVCC, I want to engage other public groups.

So, knock on wood.