Monday, March 28, 2016

An attempt at Virtue

Ethically speaking, I've always been a consequentialist.  Given that almost every human that I've met is a consequentialist, I'm not surprised. Many people think that they're deontologist, but when I ask them why they perform a utility calculation. So, they may be missing the point.

When I started teaching philosophy a few years back, I had to develop a working relationship with Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.  My only aim was to be able to teach it with the passion that I feel my students deserve.  I never thought that it would have any effect on me.  This "thinking" was almost certainly brought on by my prejudice against ancient sources in favor of more contemporary philosophy. 

But, Aristotle got his hooks into me.  Slowly at first, but I soon found myself seeing how his virtue ethics could produce a better me.  I also began to see how a country that had a population with proper virtue could truly be a great country.  Dreams of developing an American Virtue Ethics started to fill my mind, but that's another story. For now, I'll work on me.

I don't really have any grand ides(s) of what virtue(s) I should develop. I am, after all, new to this game. So, I've decided to stand on the shoulders of the giants who came before me. I will begin with a rough reflection of the ancient Greek approach, and make changes where and when necessary.

For my body, γυμνός (gymnos) will consist of rowing, hiking, and the occasional weights.

Weight Watchers will help me develop sophrosyne (self-restraint). I'd wager that Aristotle never saw that coming.

I broke my dusty bass guitar out of the closet, and have started practicing for μουσική (mousike).

This is just a few examples of the habits I have in store for myself. Other habits will include yoga, Tai Chi, and writing.

For a start, I plan on engaging in at least two of these habits a day.  Yesterday (Sunday), I rowed, practiced my bass, did yoga, and wrote a brief blog update. Sadly, I also over ate at an Easter supper.

That's the start. I'm sure that ἀρετή is right around the corner.


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