Thursday, March 2, 2017

Joining up: So, what's Left. part 1


I just reread my last post, and I apologize to everyone who endured all of its errors. I've corrected some of the more egregious ones. I would hope that the post's attempt to show why I couldn't join either of America's right-wing parties was clear enough.

If I discovered that anyone who knows me is surprised that I'm on the Left, I would be shocked and amused. My migration towards left-wing ideologies has been progressing steadily since my early 20's. Even Libertarian me used to describe himself as a social progressive and a fiscal conservative. 41 year old me is a social progressive and fiscal progressive.


I truly identify with the Green Party's platform. They, among other things, do a fabulous job of supporting both land and labor. Balancing those issues is paramount for the success of any left-wing movement in any country.

The Green's commitment to environmentalism is second to no one. Their ideas are science based, and sustainable.

The GP is more than pro-labor. They're pro-union. That is not a distinction without a difference in contemporary American politics. Every politician claims to want to help workers, but many are also anti-union. I've become increasingly more pro-union as my hair grays. I find the GP's loud and proud support of unions to be refreshing and promising.

Globally speaking, I like Green politicians. Former Mayor of Bogota Colombia Antanas Mockus is probably my favorite current politician.

So, why did I join the Democrats when I identify so strongly with the Greens?

To be continued...

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